Profile of Sho YAMAUCHI

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Lawtext is a human-readable/editable plain text format designed for Japanese laws. Lawtext works efficiently with existing source code management tools to make law text management open, safe, and creative.

A utility tool for browsing Japanese laws, which utilizes Lawtext, standard law XML, and e-LAWS API. Lawtext-app is accompanied by an additional syntax analyzer and an elemental semantic analyzer of law text. For example, it shows corresponding parentheses and nesting depth. It also indicates term definition positions and clause number references.

Other works

A statically typed recursive descent parser, written in TypeScript that can be applied for a generic sequence, not only a string. Since the rules written with generic-parser are type-aware, including its action parts, you can make the most of static type verification by TypeScript and code suggestions by your editor like Visual Studio Code.

A navigation user interface that leverages multi-scale sliders to support scalable navigation on a document. We also propose Local Keyword Extraction, which provides a scalable overview of the document.